Stockies Course
Congratulations to Sam and Tahlia for being selected as the first participants of the YLEN Onboard Stockperson Program!
LIVEXchange2019 Thank You
YLEN wouldn’t be where it is today, without a lot of support! We would like to say a huge thank you to Paula Leniston of LiveCorp.
Monthly Newsletter – October
Our latest monthly newsletter features a member profile on Libbi Thompson - Northern Operations Manager, LIVEXchange Travel Bursary Feedback & more!
Monthly Newsletter – September
Our latest monthly newsletter features a member profile on Patrick Coole - ESCAS Manager, YLEN General Meeting Notice, YLEN State Representatives EOI & more!
Monthly Newsletter – August
Our latest monthly newsletter features a Brisbane networking event, LiveX travel bursaries, Broome Nutrition Seminar, LiveCorp Video Competition & more!
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Sign up to keep up to date with the Young Livestock Exporters Network and all of our news, events and opportunities.