Member Profile
Mark Brett
Northern Shipment Coordinator
How did you get into the Live Export Industry?
It started a while ago when I was working for CPC in the East Kimberley’s & realized my real passion for Brahman cattle. Later on, as part of completing my university degree, I decided to do a work placement in the Live Export industry and see what it had to offer! I approached a live export company to see if they would take me on. Thankfully they were more than accommodating and I started a role in their Northern logistics team by learning the process of how an Indonesia feeder shipment is prepared here in Australia. I then followed the entire supply chain points right through including post-discharge in Indonesia to see our products at the wet markets. This was an incredible experience and insight into the industry and how the live cattle trade was conducted. It also showed me how important the trade is to us as Australian’s & likewise for the Indonesian’s. After experiencing the entire supply chain and sailing as a stockman for numerous voyages thereafter I gained a permanent role in live export in a logistics/operational capacity & I haven’t looked back.
What does a typical day in your role involve?
My job varies a lot! Some days I’m a spreadsheet cowboy and other days I’m working in the yards & loading ships throughout Australia’s northern ports. I liaise with all parties concerned in preparing livestock shipments destined for South East Asia. That ranges from speaking to our customers, fodder suppliers, yard staff, transport companies, vets, Australian Government vets, stevedores, port authorities, shipping/vessel owners & stockman. So you could say that most of the time I’m on the phone.
If you could give one piece of advice to someone starting in the industry what would it be?
To remain flexible and embrace the skill of problem-solving. Some situations may prove difficult but as long as you have a flexible mind and can think about the bigger picture it will always work out. Hold your values in high regard & do everything you can to execute your role professionally & efficiently. Be prepared to learn.
What are your career goals?
I would like to be a part of projects that will have an impact on helping the industry develop & expand. I thoroughly enjoy what I do and I want to see the industry thrive even further in the years to come!
Tell us about your favorite memory/trip/opportunity that LE has given you?
Lost part of my finger at sea & was still 4 days from arriving into Vietnam!
Why do you enjoy working in live export?
It’s a dynamic & forever evolving industry that keeps you motivated to keep demonstrating to the world why Australia leads the way in live export animal welfare standards. It also puts you in connection with some of the industries greatest minds who inspire you to perform at your best.