Member Profile – Chloe Grant
Chloe Grant
Consignment Officer -Frontier International
How did you get into the Live Export Industry?
I was working on a station in the East Kimberley’s for CPC, when I was given the opportunity to jump onboard with cattle and head across the ocean to from Wyndham to Panjang. I was curious to see what it was like onboard, see through my very own eyes what it was actually like and form my own opinion on the Live Export Industry. I was so impressed and had such a great time, I ended up going twice. I took myself to Perth in April 2019 and put myself through the LiveCorp Onboard Stockperson’s Accreditation Course.
What does a typical day in your role involve?
No two days are ever the same for me. I am currently in an Operational Role with Frontier International based in Darwin. I spend my days doing an arrange of different tasks and challenges, drafting & preparing all Government & Shipping documentation, keeping all service providers in the loop of loading movements, drafting and inspecting cattle, arranging all the physical loading movements of cattle & fodder onto live export vessels, analysing weight movement data, keeping in touch with our overseas customers, ensuring our onboard stockman(s) are happy, safe & enjoying their time onboard and occasionally catching up on sleep when the boss allows.
If you could give one piece of advice to someone starting in the industry what would it be?
Just do it, it is incredibly interesting and evolving, there is so many opportunities available, and you get to meet so many knowledgeable people.
Why do you enjoy working in live export?
I enjoy Live Export as it is challenging, I am consistently placed outside my comfort zone. I am extremely lucky to be in such a supportive network like YLEN to provide personal development opportunities and a network of lots of talent & expertise. Who else gets to sign, seal, stamp & deliver great Aussie beef to the world?!
What do you hope to get out of YLEN?
I hope through YLEN, I can get in touch with young people in our Agricultural Industry that want to jump onboard and get them to see first-hand just like I did, allow them to form their own opinion on our incredibly interesting industry.